Jug Avoidance

I'm nearing the end of my time in Pescara, less than a week now...

I've been the Assistant Organiser of the English Speakers of Pescara Meetup Group for nearly 4 years. It's meant that when the awesome organiser, who founded the group in 2009, isn't in Pescara, I am the host of the fornightly aperitivo. It doesn't take a lot but at the same time, it is a responsibility I never imagined I'd ever have.

Since I started attending the Meetups in 2011, the group has grown to be consistently have 30-40 people participate: some people are 'regulars', others come and go depending on their work/home lives, others come once and that's it. I've ended up making a very active social life thanks to Meetup, the amount of people I've met and befreind in the last 4 years is truly incredible. One thing, however, is for sure: no Meetup is ever the same.

The reason for explaining this is that on the 5th August 2015, it will be my 100th Meetup. At least, it would be, if I was going.


Every year my brother's cricket team go 'on tour'. There's a schedule of 'friendlies' arranged with teams that sometimes also tour to the Island to play too - by Island I mean Isle of Wight, where I'm from - and the weekend is always the first weekend of August. One year I joined on the Saturday, half way through, other years I've managed to go for the whole thing. In particular, since residing in Pescara, the 'Cricket Weekend' has been my first stop on my return to England for the Summer.

Each Tour is themed, thought out by the team themselves in the run up to the tour. Every player and spectator has to buy the 'tour shirt' that is designed according to the theme, and if it's not purchased then you will be fined. The shirt needs to be worn to every game, if you don't wear it you will be fined, and even as a spectator it is assumed you will attend every game, and yep...you'll be fined it not. There really is a sense of community within the players and spectators during each tour and it can be a catch up with people you haven't seen since the previous tour.

The reason for explaining this is that this weekend it's my 10th Cricket Tour. At least, it would be, if I was going.


In the world of cricket, at least within my Brother's world of cricket, there's the term 'jug avoidance' which my Bro defines as:

Getting out before you score 50 or 100 runs so you don't have to buy a jug of beer for everyone!

I guess that would be the same as attending 99 Meetups when you're able to attend the 100th.  Or perhaps the same as choosing to fly back to England a week after finishing work so there's time to pack instead of going to your 10th Cricket Tour.


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