Granny Squares

How much wool could a wool dog block if a wool dog could block wool?

For Christmas I asked for a blocking board: a piece of wood with holes that you push long pins into to fix things in place. It reminds me of elastic band Geoboards that I used to play with at school, and have used with various classes in my career. The board I have just has 1cm spaces, but you can get boards of various sizes with smaller or larger spaces.

As I have started my 2024 granny square project I have three granny squares on the block already. It means that when I come to joining them together they have all been blocked to the same size. I have no idea how I will join them, or indeed what I will make, but at least the board means they will all stay in the same place until I know!

I fear I may be getting addicted to granny squares, such versatility. Check out this cute heart using two colours and the classic granny square pattern, perfect for Valentine's!


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