no news is good news

So nothing really "new" to report...but then saying that...there's been quite a lot of productivity recently....

Starting from the most recent things and working backwards:
  • Managing to speak to my Grandma on Skype:

...yep...that's a picture of frying pans...

  • My first official friend in Pescara, who moved to Rome a year back, came back to Pescara for a dinner.  It was great to see her and plans have been made to visit her new place in Rome later in March.
  • I made a cake: a lemon and lime drizzle cake.
  • I discovered my cousin's wedding falls on the same weekend as my best friends children's christening so I can go to both AND the brother may even be able to take me for a "spin" (not literally I hope) in a plane, being a pilot an'all...which I had forgotten!
  • I received a copy of the registered contract for my apartment's rental agreement.  Using the registered rental contract I missioned on down to the Ufficio Anagrafe to register my new residency.  I found out that I have actually been registered all this time with my original address, marvellous!  Now I'm registered at this address the notice has been put through for the police control to confirm I live here so that I can then get a carta d'identita.  With the carta d'identita I will then be able to open an online Italian bank account that has reduced fees (i.e. is free to own and not €50) and has no charges on bank transfers or standing orders (rather than €3 for standing orders or €6 for a direct debit).
  • Thursday morning consisted of a two and a half hour talk to my best mate...utter bliss.
  • My Mum and my Godmum came to stay.  They were given the full Pakes in Pescara experience: a few hour with my children at work; a tour of a point of interest in Abruzzo (gole di saggitaio and Scanno), eating everything in sight including pizza, pasta, and of course, arrosticini; plus meeting some of my friends.  I think they gave the thumbs up to my apartment and were impressed at how much space I have :-)
  • Spending a weekend touring Pescara/Abruzzo with my friend and her visiting sister was entertaining, as the differences in English and American cultures/use of language can make things that little bit funnier.  Especially when there is a convertible automatic car involved.
  • Hosting my Bible Group at my house.  Hopefully I will be able to maintain this as it means I can actually attend the group.  If it's at somebody else's house I'm usually to tired to go, or it's too far away!  I just have to hope that my friends don't all have birthday's on Tuesdays as this week I had to cancel.  This would have been resolved if I actually stored my friends birthdays somewhere...ufffa!!!
  • Oh and did I mention I booked my flights to America?!!


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