
I've been to the cinema twice this week.

In the Winter things can get a bit monotonuos here as everyone waits for warmer weather, as if 17 degrees is a result the cinemas get busy and this week I've seen two films.  Both Italian films, one* was ok and the other** I'm going to have to buy when it's released, I loved it!!

Both films were 'artsy'.  Clever shots like one character opening a door but then the scene changing to be a different character going through another door.  Both had good soundtracks.  One* was mainly instrumental, similar to Yann Tiersen, but a composer called Santi Pulvirenti.  The other** soundtrack was awesome.  Imogen Heap, Passenger, to name two of the artists chosen perfectly sync with the mood on-screen.

In the film I loved**, one of the characters dates a deaf guy.  Sign language is something I've always thought useful to learn, helpful for teaching, so I did a quick youtube search for some inspiration.  Instead of finding a way of learning sign language I found this equally cute film, a short, based in London.  I like it :-)

*La Gente Che Sta Bene
**Tutta Colpa di Freud


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