
It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say...

These two songs are rocking my world right now.  They covered up for the "Oh, I've arrived two hours early for my piano lesson and it's sort of raining, no snowing, no raining....argh, it's cold" issue.  These two even got me through the "How exactly do I plan all the necessary forms of transport to get me to and from England so I am there for Harriet's funeral...without killing myself in the process...?".  And I'm pretty certain they'll help me with "...the M25?  I thought that was a 25 year-old male who was registered at an Orienteering club...no...you mean it's a road...with a lot of cars...oh no.".

Song No. 1: Happy - Pharrell Williams (who's 40, couldn't believe it myself, figured he must moisturise)

Song No. 2: Go Gentle - Robbie Williams (strangely he'll be 40 years-old next year...)

Two Mr. Williams' - two very different songs :-)


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