
Yes I'm supposed to be studying but I just had to note these things down:

- reading Hard Times by Charles Dickens and North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell for my English A Level with Ms. Acton, was more influential for my career decisions and my views of education than I will ever understand.

- when I go to sleep, when I set foot in my room, shut the door and lay in bed...the baby downstairs WILL start crying.  This was proven the other night, with my housemate as a witness.

- Stephen Ball, although a very adept sociologist with smashing ideas, does not write in an audience friendly style.  i.e. a Laura friendly style.

- I love my job.  Including "stealing" playtime from the children because they didn't clean up :-)  Today my colleague and I played volleyball, and hoopla...all in 7 minutes...and the next time they cleared the toys away, boy were they thorough!

Now, where was I?  Oh yes, 'The essence of the second wave......' *yawn*


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