Bananas and cottage cheese... I love, one I hate.

My Mum.  She had a birthday at the weekend so happy birthday Mum!  I know she had a tip-top weekend as I Skyped the gathering of people at our house where the usual hilarity of trying to position the laptop in a place where a) I can see all of them, and b) they can see me, ensued.  This time round, "I", as in the laptop, was placed on the fridge.  Big deal you say, but Mum and Dad have a fridge/freezer tower that I can't see on top of without standing on a chair.  It made me think of Holly, the on-board computer in Red Dwarf, an English TV series, who is just a head on a computer screen that is a bit....senile but clever.  Maybe next time I'll wear my red top so that I blend into the red wall of my room so that I am in fact a "floating head"!

Anyway, bananas.  I hate bananas.  I just thought I'd share that with you.  Nowadays I pretty much eat anything except particular types of fruit, bananas being one of them.  My Mum, and Dad for that matter, probably hates the fact that as an adult I am quite happy to eat everything except fruit as when I was a child I was a fussy eater.  At one point I didn't even like sandwiches...SANDWICHES!!  I am now trying to combat my dislike of bananas and every day that we have bananas for snack at school I eat a tiny bit.  Yesterday was a revolution, I didn't feel like spitting it out.  That's not to say I liked it but it's a step in the right direction.  I heard somewhere that you have to eat something you don't like twelve times in order to "get the taste for it".  That's a lie.

Cottage cheese on the other hand was, for many years, my staple Friday food at my Grandma's house.  Ironically I ate ham and cottage cheese sandwiches every Friday evening.  My reason for bringing that up is yesterday I impulse-bought a tub of the Italian version of cottage cheese - fiocchi di latte - and proceeded to eat the whole thing with a spoon.  Turns out I'm still a fan of cottage cheese...though when it's got pineapple in that's a big no-no.  I don't think I'll ever like pineapple.  Or raspberries.  Raspberries are sheer evil *shudders*


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