When in Rome...

...eat tiramisu sitting on the Spanish Steps.

I spent the weekend in Rome and it was definitely a calm before the storm: there's nothing like a good chatter with friends and meeting lovely people to remind one why one is doing what one is doing.  Now I have to get my "eyes down" and get stuck in to design frames, research paradigms and research questions which are congruently connected in a transparent fashion...or not.

To summarise the goings-on in one phrase I have to say it was a weekend from "the sublime to the ridiculous": there was eating tiramisu on the Spanish Steps with a good friend; there was a picnic in the park; there was a scantily clad girl climbing a tree: there were flowers everywhere; there was sunshine; there were good friends and new friends; there was a silent grand piano and a music shop; there was an art hotel and a garden hotel; there was hot chocolate and chocolate cake; there were old buildings; there was aperitivo; there were strawberries and well...I could carry on but I'm losing myself in a day-dream.

One could almost say I loved Rome...but that would be going to far.  I'll have to go back and see what I think fourth time round!


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