All the things I've forgotten to blog

Settling back into my Pescara routines, I've not found the time to successfully 'blog' anything. 

I wanted to blog about my new game when I'm cycling.  I now play 'hazard watch' naming hazards I see as I cycle in Italian, if I can, as too many times I've been thinking about other stuff and had close calls.

I want to blog (and will blog) about my two very different Christmas'.  This will focus on the act of 'Christmas Dinner' including photographic evidence of EVERYTHING I ate...before I ate it, when it was on the plate ;-) for my Italian Christmas and my English Christmas.

And then there's my word for 2013: development.  Basically my New Years Resolutions for 2013 haven't changed much from 2012 but I want to be better at them!  I am really going to take an exam in Italian, I am going to PLAN a BIG trip once every 3 months (Venice, Florence and Turin is what I have so far) and I am going to stick to a stricter "get-up" and "go to sleep" routine so I can keeep on top of my different commitments.

As a good friend said in a conversation over how to fight the "money issues" of life a slow and steady plod is sometimes the only effective way.  And so 2013 is my year for developing with a slow and steady plod through all the things I started last year.

Oh yeh...the light switch issue resolved itself as I returned to my Pescara flat where the light switches are at the height I expect!


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