
So I left my amazing dictionary/thesaurus at home.  Dammit. 

It turns out the English language is not one of my strongest points.  I have a few problems when reading articles for my understanding the words, which, you know, would come in useful.  Then again, the internet is a wonderful invention when you need to "know" something.  Anyway despite this problem, I am feeling a bit more upbeat about the whole "Masters" thing.  I might be able to put the letters MA after my name one day after all!

I have actually been doing some work for my Masters and I have nearly caught up with myself, nearly.  After reading a rather interesting section about perspectives, it got me thinking.  One sentence, probably originating from a Proverb in my favourite book, or at least somewhere in that book, really got me thinking...
We all see problems differently: my problem is not necessarily your problem.
Even in everyday terms this I find to be true.  Take today for example.  One problem I have, most of my days at the moment, is trying to find the time to do everything I WANT to do alongside everything I HAVE to do.  Doing the readings for my Masters is something I have to do, but then meeting a friend for lunch is something I want to do, and so balancing both creates a problem.  An ancient dilemma I'm sure.  Of course I could've taken my Master's reading to lunch with my friend, but then I wouldn't exactly have been brilliant company.  As a result I met a friend for lunch and then completed most of the reading this afternoon but this has had a knock-on effect on everything else.  I now have to get up a bit earlier than planned tomorrow morning (by at least 20 minutes) to pack for this weekend.  This problem is not your problem!

It will be my third weekend away in three weeks, surprisingly!  I am going to Naples with the usual...ignorance, maybe...and the ten year old Lonely Planet guide.  That and nothing else as Naples is renowned for the odd pick-pocket, bag-snatching beauty.  The fact that I'm skint actually has a plus side!

The weather though, that can be a problem for many people.  Some people may not believe that I have even heard of Hurricane Sandy - it can take me up to 48 hours to discover international news, like volcanic eruptions, and the death of World Criminals - but the weather can be really big problems for a lot of people all around the world, in many different ways.  The small scale flooding that happens regularly in certain counties in England is just as life-changing as a huge natural beast such as the current natural disaster.  Crumbs.    


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