
...I hate them!

The other night I almost fell off my bike because of a snail. It was in the road just trailing away, as snails do. Thankfully I managed to dodge it but I did feel a bit ridiculous as I wobbled on my bicycle in a way I would imagine John Cleese to do in Fawlty Towers. All for a silly snail.

Today I trod on a snail. Once upon a time, this would have been my worst nightmare. I still get flashbacks of cleaning the remains of a snail from my leg after treading on one wearing flip-flops. *shudder*  However today, I remained surprisingly calm. I just continued locking up my bicycle and went on my way. Now that is what I call progress.

For this progress I have the children at school to thank. They find snails very interesting and continuosly bring them to me when We play in the garden. Whilst grinning at me they'll say "Look Laura...It's for you.". A year ago, I would've found it difficult to stay calm but now I smile, say "Thank you" and we put the snail back :-)


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