It's that time again... pay another bill.  Turns out living in a 3-bed apartment is pretty expensive when it's just one person!!

The other day I head to the Post Office with my €350 gas bill to pay (and that's just for 2 months. OK, 2 winter months, but still...) and I look at the ticket machine-do I press A or E?  I can't remember so I read the descriptions.  I go for E because the description says every service.  My place in the queue is E28, the display shows E10 so I head to the bar over the road for breakfast; a cornetto and cappuccino.

When I return there's still a few numbers to go so I email a good friend of mine.  Once my number comes up I go to the cashier, tell her my request- to pay the bill with my Bancomat*. "You don't have a Postamat?...**" Bugger. I should've pressed A...

With my morning already gone I made the decision to go back the next day.  I pressed button A and successfully paid the bill.  I can't believe the Post Office system STILL manages to catch me out!

* A Bancomat is an ATM cash card that can also be used as a debit card in some shops
** A Postamat is the Post Office's own version of a Bancomat


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