
...a yummy, potato based, Italian dish, but it also makes a really good cold compress for burns.  Let me explain.

It was 00:20 Wednesday night, after I had blogged my last post (here),  I decided that it was indeed time to do the washing up.  However, due to the lateness of the evening I also desired a hot chocolate.  Now this is where I got too clever.  Every time I decide to do the washing up AND make a hot chocolate I always do so at the same time, leaving the milk to boil unattended.  And every time I think to myself that I should keep an eye on it otherwise it will boil over and make a mess.  Sure enough, last night was no different.

The cocoa is in the cup, I’m mixing it with a bit of water, add a dash of the hot milk, now slightly less than when I started due to it boiling over, and place the saucepan back on the hob, then BAM, I knock it over and the milk goes all over the side, the hob and yep, the floor.  My foot just happened to be on the floor as well and the hot milk went straight onto the top of my foot. 

And that’s the part where the gnocchi comes in.  I didn’t want to defrost my beloved peas (I love peas!), or my recently bought frozen chard, so I opted for the portion of gnocchi in the plastic bag.  I put on a sock, put the gnocchi on my foot and then folded my sock over the bag of gnocchi.  Genius?!.....I think a Genius would not have been so careless in the first place.  All this is ever-so-slightly more annoying was the last of the milk.

The gnocchi had defrosted perfectly for lunch the next day mind :)


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