and so...'s another Sunday.

Back to the same old "I love Sunday's".  It's very true though.  I really do love Sunday's.  I wish there was a witty explanation for why this is.  Maybe even a comical anecdote stolen from a famous person.  Perhaps I should be able to claim that there is a deeply religious reason for why I love Sunday's so much as I do tend to go to church on a Sunday.  But actually I just think that it's the fact that Sunday's are just...lazy.   

There is less traffic on the roads.  Shop's are closed completely bar a few in the morning.  If people are out and about it's generally for leisurely strolls or to meet up with family and friends.  There's no hustle or bustle in the atmosphere, a lazy atmosphere. 

However, this laziness often breeds productiveness.  I never assume to achieve anything on a Sunday.  This means that when I do accomplish something productive it's always that little bit more rewarding and satisfying than on the other days when I've got a specific to-do list to march through.  I just sort of float around my world, bumbling into tasks as and when I please. 

Today I managed to bake some very awful cakes, sort of cakes trying to be biscuits and failing.  But it doesn't matter that they were awful.  I hadn't set out to bake cakes this morning so the fact I even did is good enough for me.  I've watched a film that I didn't really enjoy, but even so, I didn't set out to do that either so I'm glad to have watched a film at all.  At the moment I'm sitting with my Italian study books sprawled over the table.  I've got no idea what the worksheets are trying to teach me as it's all in Italian but the fact that I'm trying is good enough for today.

Now, how do I get the lazy productivity to resonate across the whole of my week?!


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