Resolutions 2024
It's been a while since I set resolutions!
I have preferred to use a Rule of Life, rather than resolutions over the last few years. I have 12 rules: four categories with three rules each which I have developed over many years since reading Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. While reviewing my rules, which I tend to do every six months or so, I decided to make three of the rules resolutions for 2024.
Rule 1. Prayer: Scripture
Prioritise daily Bible time
I feel I need to prioritise reading scripture daily again so I am committing to a Bible in a year plan: The Bible Recap. I am 100% certain it will take me longer than a year as I will miss days here and there, but that doesn't matter. It's the habit of prioritising Bible time that I need to address.
Rule 7. Rest: Play and Recreation
I felt the need to have a specific crochet project linked to 2024 so after an internet search using the words '2024 crochet project', I found this granny square blanket. Two granny square patterns a month with instructions to put them together on 31st December 2024. Perfect!
Rule 4. Work/Activity: Study
Complete Carol Ann Duffy's BBC Maestro course
A few months ago I discovered BBC Maestro: online courses by experts to explore various creative fields. Back then I bookmarked one by Carol Ann Duffy, and after chatting with a friend about their writing project, and what helped them, I was reminded about the course. There are 24 short videos with accompanying activities that build towards writing your own collection of poems.
My hope is that, by focusing on these three resolutions, I can instill a daily peace (Bible reading), have a mindful outlet (crochet) and explore something I enjoy (poetry). Here's to 2024!
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