Summer 2016...
...has arrived people! It knocked on my door this morning at 10:05.
Now, I'm not saying I've been living for the summer but this academic year has been tough. And I mean tough. Heck, some people that have been going through this academic year with me may choose different words to describe the year that I've had, but I'll stick to tough.
Tough applies to every aspect of my world too. My own personal, social and emotional development has been...well...developed...during 2015-2016. I seem to have matured in all aspects of myself, from the top of my head, to the depths of my soul. On the outside I have obviously lost a little bit of weight, but my inner parts, the bits you can't see, nor understand, without having had a long-term investment in knowing me (i.e. you've known me since before September 2015), have had a pulverising that can only be called 'transformation'.
Anyway. Back to the summer, and what a summer I have ahead. Today I managed to successfully book an appointment with the dermatologist unsuccessfully. I've had to make the appointment for over 6 weeks and successfully got to the CUP to book the appointment today, however I've done so unsuccessfully as it coincides with the most important Parent Meeting of the year at school in September...doh! I had my diary in front of me at the desk too...turns out you have to OPEN your diary to get the full effects of knowing what you're doing on any given day. Another life lesson learnt. Moving on...
I've booked myself a ticket for this years summer concert. Last year I saw Burt Bacharach, the year before I saw Yann Tiersenn, in 2013 I saw Jovanotti and in 2012 I saw Paolo Nutini. This year, my summer concert will be...*drum roll*...Pharrell Williams. It was a close call with Rihanna who is in Milan the same week but Pharrell snapped it as I liked his website more as it promoted the idea of being individuals together, a great concept. Check it out here.
So...after seeing Pharrell my summer will continue and include:
- going home.
- going to pubs. Lots of them in all shapes and sizes.
- going to church, MY church, where I grew up.
- one of my best friends, and her family, camping in my parents back garden while I cosily sleep in my own childhood room.
- another friend staying for a weekend with me at my parents.
- meeting up with my cousin to have a natter.
- seeing Finding Dory, in English, at the cinema, a month and a half before it's released in Italy.
- CRICKET TOUR (get in!)
- assisting another best friend, and her family, with their latest doer-upper house/shop/home.
- returning to Pescara for a few days of beach and Cafe Venezia and arrosticini and friends and wine and arrotiscini and gelato and maybe even dancing...only the pig knows.
- my thirtieth, yes 30th, birthday.
That's all folks.
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