Loving Well
Loving God Well. Loving Myself Well, Loving Others Well.
The past few months I've been 'working' on my spirituality in alignment with my emotions. I must admit it's been pretty challenging, an internal battle that is not over yet, nor ever will be. Thanks to a book called 'Emotionally Healthy Spirituality' by Peter Scazzero and the accompanying devotional 'Day by Day' I do, however, feel I'm getting somewhere.
Today I read a passage that encapsulates the concept of 'loving well' that I'm trying to follow...
Love springs from awareness. It is only inasmuch as you see someone as he or she really is here and now and not as they are in your memory or your desire or in your imagination or projection that you can truly love them, otherwise it is not the person that you love but the idea that you have formed of this person, or this person as the object of your desire not as he or she is in themselves.
Therefore the first act of love is to see this person or this object, this reality as it truly is. And this involves the enormous discipline of dropping your desires, your prejudices, your memories, your projections, your selective way of looking, a discipline so great that most people would rather plunge headlong into good actions and service than submit to the burning fire of this asceticism.... So the first ingredient of love is to really see the other.
The second ingredient is equally important to see yourself, to ruthlessly flash the light of awareness on your motives, your emotions, your needs, your dishonesty, your self-seeking, your tendency to control and manipulate.*
That is all.
*Anthony De Mello as quoted by Peter Scazzero in 'Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day' by Peter Scazzero, 2014, p. 145.
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