I don't know what I'm doing...

...but I've managed to do a lot.

This weekend marks the end/beginning of something huge.  I've attended my graduation ceremony for my Master in Education confirming that I have the letters M. Ed (Open) after my name if I desire to write so.  My nearest and dearest joined me for the day and we managed to wander around a bit of London and see some sights too.

As usual my return to England has been busy however, in comparison with previous visits, it has actually been a quiet affair.  The best word to use would be solitary.  This weekend I've: been to the theatre to watch 'Harvey', a play about a Pooka that I highly recommend to everyone, even in film form; visited my two cousins on the Isle of Wight who've had babies 5 days apart with their respective spouses; spent an hour in the Tate Britain and discovered an amusing collection of photographs by Karen Knorr; sat on public transport...a lot.

Although doing all this 'on my own', I've obviously spoken to people.  From my family and friends who came to my ceremony, my cousins yesterday, the hostel worker who checked me in, the sisters from Taiwan I shared the hostel room with who asked for advice about English wedding protocol, the Dutch lady I walked from the bus stop to the Tate Britain with etc etc.  During these conversations I've managed to say and do silly things, as those of you who know me will have had the pleasure to...enjoy?...but of all the strange exclamations and head knocking to prove I no longer have a soft head, the best has to be when I walked into the Caffè Nero at Bishopsgate Liverpool St.  I looked up at the board for a while with, I'd like to think, an inquisitive look only to say to the barista, "I don't really know what I'm doing in a coffee shop".  He suggested I got a milkshake once he'd stopped laughing.  It was a very nice mint milkshake.


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