THE Job Hunt... on.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have some very amazing friends.  Without these friends I would find the peaks and troughs of life difficult.  Two of my closest friends, in fact I'd have to say my closest two friends, really helped me out over the New Year period.  Although it was difficult to leave their company, after doing so I really felt restored, refreshed and yet again, myself.

It seems I lose myself from time to time.  Amongst the day-to-day stuff that is life, I get lost.  I lose my key principle(s) and from there I sort of wobble.  But, thanks to my friends, I am just a weeble, I wobble but I don't fall down.

I've decided, with full force, to focus my job hunt on Milan, in an attempt to work towards my 3rd New Years Resolution.  This has come after six months of indecisiveness: return to England *wobble*, stay in Pescara *wobble*, move to a different country *wobble*, leave teaching altogether *wobble*, everything seemed so wobbly before Christmas.  However, since January 2015 started, and after chatting with family and friends, I'm feeling happy with a healthy dose of determination to stay in teaching, in Italy but, more specifically, move to Milan.

"Why Milan? and not Rome, or Florence, or Turin etc?", I get asked.

1.  Milan has a healthy amount of International Schools of various types, sizes and curriculum.  Sounds strange but my experience as a teacher in England broke me to make me.  I am a teacher, and a ruddy good one at that, who had a particularly...particular...experience in the first two years of her teaching career.  As a result I sort of ran-away, pushed the emergency button and jumped off the train.  It's time to get back on that train, back into a Primary school setting, but from a different angle.  I have to go back to the things that I am actually missing (shock-horror!): the planning and marking, creating SMARTboards, getting my head round how to make a child understand a concept that they may not be ready for yet, and everything else that teachers love to hate.  As well as dialogue: dialogue with all the positions that are within a large school.  Milan has a few schools that follow a UK curriculum that I am trained in and so it just makes sense to focus on that. 

2.  I'm not done with Italy, oh no Sir.
Italy has got under my fingernails in the same way salt dough does.  I'm afraid I can't actually explain why, it just is.  I started looking at jobs in England, mainly around London, Bristol and Gloucester for various reasons, but I felt all itchy and blotchy just thinking about 'returning'.  I'm also reading many adverts for schools all over Europe but a strange unwillingness clouds over me to go any further than read the schools information or browse their website, even when some jobs offer much higher financial benefits than any teaching job in Italy could ever provide.

3.  There's something pulling me to Milan.
What that something is will depend on your personal belief about where such somethings come from, whether it's fate, or destiny, or God, or coincidence or just because.

4.  I have a lot of sight-seeing on my to-do list.
I've been to a few places in the North-West, but the majority of Northern Italy remains untouched.  Milan, being Milan, has better public transport connections to the rest of Italy and other European countries in Europe. There are many more weekends out and about ahead.

5. The connections to England are more efficient. 
I need to stay connected to my friends and family in England, simple as that.  Stansted doesn't make that easy when I'm from the south of England.  However having more locations to fly to in England, even if only in the peak season, will make catching up with all my loved ones just that little bit easier.

6.  My blog would become 'Laura in Lombardia'

And so, I'm going to go hunt me a job.

Update: after speaking to my Brother on Skype, he also said that it would be, and I quote, "more interesting to visit you in Milan than where you are now"...that, yes, is also true.  I'd be likely to have more visitors!!


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