If only every morning was so successful...
I arrived at my Italian School, spot on 9am, to find no one else there.
Today, with the 3 hours I was expecting to be sitting at a desk completing mind-numbingly boring Italian reading and writing exams I have managed to:
- get my Carta d'Identità (hooray...only 2 years 9 months behind!)
- ask the very hot-headed lady at the Rai customer service how I declare that I do not own a television and therefore paying for the licence to have one seems, well, down right ridiculous.
The very hostile lady did eventually warm up a bit and inform me that because I didn't declare this 2 years ago when I moved out of the house that had the television, I have to pay 2 and a half years of the licence anyway. But I can write a letter to the television people explaining my circumstances so hopefully I won't pay in the future. Yes, I know it all makes no sense. No, I'm not going to just ignore it, I'll do what I have to to make sure I never pay anything in the future.
- apply for an online bank account which has no charges for transfers (i.e. paying my rent which is currently costing me €3 each time) nor charges for withdrawals internationally.
Now I just have to verify my identity via webcam on Friday morning. Oh, that, and put money in the account...easier said than done!
- scan all the paperwork needed to process a claim from the last car I hired in Italy.
Please, people, do me a favour and don't use Sicily by Car, as a car hirer (otherwise known as "Dollar", "Thrifty", "AutoEurope" and "AutoEuropa"). It's all hunky-dory if you don't have any damages, but if, in the very unlikely event you do have problems, they don't half sting ya!
- ignore the email from my Masters tutor...that can wait...he's probably telling me my proposal is barking up the wrong tree anyway!
And that's all before 12.30pm. I know some people that would've taken months to get all that lot done!!!
Brava La-oo-ra, brava!
Today, with the 3 hours I was expecting to be sitting at a desk completing mind-numbingly boring Italian reading and writing exams I have managed to:
- get my Carta d'Identità (hooray...only 2 years 9 months behind!)
- ask the very hot-headed lady at the Rai customer service how I declare that I do not own a television and therefore paying for the licence to have one seems, well, down right ridiculous.
The very hostile lady did eventually warm up a bit and inform me that because I didn't declare this 2 years ago when I moved out of the house that had the television, I have to pay 2 and a half years of the licence anyway. But I can write a letter to the television people explaining my circumstances so hopefully I won't pay in the future. Yes, I know it all makes no sense. No, I'm not going to just ignore it, I'll do what I have to to make sure I never pay anything in the future.
- apply for an online bank account which has no charges for transfers (i.e. paying my rent which is currently costing me €3 each time) nor charges for withdrawals internationally.
Now I just have to verify my identity via webcam on Friday morning. Oh, that, and put money in the account...easier said than done!
- scan all the paperwork needed to process a claim from the last car I hired in Italy.
Please, people, do me a favour and don't use Sicily by Car, as a car hirer (otherwise known as "Dollar", "Thrifty", "AutoEurope" and "AutoEuropa"). It's all hunky-dory if you don't have any damages, but if, in the very unlikely event you do have problems, they don't half sting ya!
- ignore the email from my Masters tutor...that can wait...he's probably telling me my proposal is barking up the wrong tree anyway!
And that's all before 12.30pm. I know some people that would've taken months to get all that lot done!!!
Brava La-oo-ra, brava!
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