In other words...I'm done.

Sometimes I'm baffled by what kids say.

Today a child correctly used the word "otherwise" in a sentence.  My colleague and I were so baffled we looked at each other in amazement...and then mouthed the word to each other just to check we'd heard correctly...'cos, you know, it's weird to hear an Italian 5-year-old use the word "otherwise" in a sentence.  Especially when I've taught 8- and 9-year-old children that are English who didn't know the word, let alone use it correctly.  It's particularly baffling as this child, like the rest of us, hadn't been to the school for the past thirteen days.  Mental.

In other news, I'm house searching again.  I'm intent on finding somewhere on my own a bit nearer my schools new location as my "world" has changed zone and priorities.  I've had to brush off my dusty technical, house vocabulary that I became an expert in almost two years ago and wade through hundreds of photos of houses big and small.  I've got my first viewing tomorrow.  I've arranged two other viewings but I ended up cancelling one as I discovered it was in the wrong zone, and someone else nabbed the other house before I got to see it.  However tomorrow's house is a "mystery house": I've not seen any photos; it's been described as a monolocale (studio flat) and a bilocale (apartment with two rooms); and has a garden.  More to the point, the agent rang me back almost immediately after I'd sent an email of interest which, as my Mum suggested, would indicate a keenness to "get-rid of it".  Dubious.

Changing topic completely, in a Christmas card a friend of mine noted that 2013 had been a tough year for me.  I suppose she was right, it was a year of journeys: I spent 357 days purposefully "single" in a bid to sort out my rather clichéd and naive views of love, sex and dating; I had to return to England for a best friends funeral; I somehow completed the first year of my Masters; my school moved premises; and I thought a lot about everything...I think 'over-thinking' ended up being my buzzword for 2013! To add to that 2014's initial circumstances aren't easy: with my next essay for my Masters hanging over my head (due in the 21st), and the inevitable house move, I'm "feeling it a bit".  I'm not sleeping well, my jaw is a bit temper-mental, and of course...I'm skint, hooray!  BUT I'm feeling up-beat.  I'm taking the phrase "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." as a focus for decision making and a guide to doing the things that make me shiny and happy.  My other resolutions are Resolutions Roll-overs: complete Masters, go to America, learn Italian and play the piano.

However, I'm hoping a few of the friendly faces I saw over the festive season have added "visit Laura" onto some sort of realistic to-do list come Resolution thing.  You can't beat knowing a friendly face is just around the corner as a pick-me-up knowing it's months until you return to England.


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