The count begins...
The mosquitoes are back in town people and so far I've got six bites on my left leg and three on my right.
This year I AM NOT going to scratch them...nope. I have an electrocuting device that my friends gave me for Christmas. You literally electrocute the bite a few times as 'pain relief'. Oh and for a deterrent I am going to eat a clove of garlic everyday...anything is worth a try!
Now garlic wise, I've eaten a whole clove before and it wasn't pleasant. However I've been advised that if you shell the clove, cut it lengthways, take out the middle bit, cut the halves length ways again and dice it into really small pieces you can then make it into a "tablet" to swallow in one go and therefore avoid the garlic odour that I know so well. N.B. I advise everyone against making garlic soup unless you live on your own in the middle of nowhere.
I'm going to beat the little bitey critters, oh yes I am, even if I have to resort to my stealthy karate/self defence moves!
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