Saturday night at the "Charlton's"...
...who cares what pictures we see...
This Saturday included baking yummy cheesecake and a lawn assessment.
And so...e I am sitting "in" the Starbucks at Stansted's departures area I am skint and unsure of my "big plan" but I am happy. I have spent the weekend with my closest friends, a "retreat" as it were. Nothing quite beats a good chin wag, putting the world to rights and sharing opinions with those who you feel truly "at home" with and loved (the cooking, baking and shopping at Tesco were welcome bonuses). I wish everyone finds friends like I've found with the Charlton's.
I feel I have climbed another step, albeit a rather small one, in this years quest to become as my perspective on life, the universe and all that is contained there-in, is being pushed, pulled, stretched and moulded. Oh yeh, that and the fact I was baptised spontaneously at the church my friends go to. Just a little reminder that:
...with God nothing will be impossible. Luke 1:37
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