Borracce di poesia - Water bottles of poetry

I am currently involved in a project that is quite cool.

Imagine you're on your bicycle and you see something random, have a spontaneous life-changing realisation or you face near death and write a poem about it. Well that's what this project does:

Using these poems the project aims to spread a bit more awareness of the difficulties and problems that urban cyclists face on the roads, with a bit of light-humour, and now I am helping create English versions of the poems to reach a wider audience.  It's an exciting opportunity to use my literary skills that once led me to study English literature at University - although I still had to look up the meaning of a quatrain!!*

Check out the English poems on the website, follow on Twitter, and like on Facebook to ensure you don't miss any of the latest poems :-)  Of course if you're lucky enough to actual read and understand Italian then the original Italian poems are here.

* I did only study English for a quarter of my degree, and I spent 8-hours a week, on average, actually in lectures and as that means I spent 2-hours a week on English, I've forgiven myself for being so ignorant!  


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