It's 02:29...

...on the 2nd of February 2013 and it's 14 degrees outside. That's like...spring!

YESTERDAY I had one of those days, you know where everything's a bit higgledy piggledy and up and down. Bad news at work, good news at work; mental studying crisis and crazy studying breakthroughs; Skype for the brother's birthday sprinkled with a dribble of homesickness; that sort of thing.

TODAY I took a mock of a mock A2 Italian exam (upper beginner). It's surprising just how much I've learnt in a year and a half. Really it is. I hope my brain has room for more though :-/

TOMORROW I go to see Les Misérables at the cinema with a new friend (after studying of course). Very excited to be finally seeing a film my Mum has already seen three times!

No other news, well that directly affects this blog anyway.

The End!


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