Nothing in Particular to report...

...nothing.  Except that everyone's leaving!

I've been living, and that word I still cannot comprehend Italy for 17 months now.  In that time I've met many people.  It seems, however, that 2013 is a year for "moving on".

My first friend in Pescara is moving back to Rome on Friday, and although it's only Rome...a 2 and a half hour bus ride's not the 10 minute drive, or 25 minute cycle of before.  Another friend is going to America for 6 weeks, which, isn't exactly aaages, but who knows if they'll be back! America versus Pescara...a tough call (ha!).  And there's whispers from other friends about moving abroad, moving north, moving south, moving, moving, moving...

I for one, am glad that my short term plans do not include a "move" (although you never can tell what futures hold).  I don't think my head could cope.  The Masters is a challenge enough for the brain to handle as it is!  In fact, I'm quite glad that my piano teacher suggested the Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin as a piano piece to practice, it's reasonably easy and requires less brain power to the Masters so I've actually been practising.  What is the world coming to?  I've been studying AND practising the piano.  Only another 11 months of the New Years Resolutions to go!!

Oh, there is one thing that has happened.  I discovered I like broad beans.  It's taken me a bit by surprise after all the years I criticised Mum for loving the things.  And I can confidently confirm that raw Broad Beans are tastier than cooked.  Yummy!


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