I just can't decide.

So.  Filofax, "to-do" list book, ipod, phone

Since moving here I stopped using my filofax as my trusty companion. I've got 2 filofaxes.  One I bought when I first finished University in 2007, a beautiful Pocket Classic, navy blue one.  It became my friend and guardian of all things important and things to do.  Then, when I became a "real teacher" I upgraded to a slightly larger version, the Personal size, in a dusky purple, a Finsbury, I think.  The purple one is with me, and yesterday I decided to start using it again.

I stopped mainly because my "moving abroad" present to myself was an ipod touch and I began living through that, using the calendar, the reminders and the to-do list apps.  But I missed writing things down sojust over a month back I went back to the "to-do" list book that I adopted as a teacher in England.

The "to-do" list book was my life for 2 years.  Literally, it sums up my life! A small, A6 Moleskine notebook, normally with squared paper, would become an endless list of scrawled words...sometimes legible.  No dates, no way of knowing when something was written, just words upon words.

When I moved out of London I found one such book in a drawer (my lime green one) and "read" through it.  Absolute nonsense. Some lists were numbered.  Some pages had headings home-work-morning-evening. Some pages were divided into 4 areas of different genres short-term, long-term, mid-term. Some items moved from page to page.  The word "marking" seeemed to be on 70% of the pages, moving constantly onwards through the book.  In the back there were a few things of note...telephone numbers, websites, declarations to myself, ongoing lists.  Half an academic year of a teachers dribblings in one A6 book, only to reach the end and another one to start.

Every so often there was a different list.  One page separated into things I needed to pack, I was obviously going away for the weekend: 4 socks, 4 pairs of pants, orange top, blue top, jumper, jeans, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.  I am quite methodic it turns out.  Another of song titles (?) and some of train times and the cost to get from one place to another on various forms of transport...Alton, Portsmouth, Milton Keynes, Birmingham, Eastleigh.

And now?  My to-do list book...I've decided is not structured enough.  I have less going on now, but more places things are happening.  I no longer have Work versus Life to plan.  I have other stuff.  My "Life" section is now divided into other things: Italian lessons, evenings out...different places to BE rather than different things to DO.  As before, the to-do list things, of my London life, could all be acheived either in the classroom, or in my house.  Now I am going places and for that I can welcome back my Filofax.  Hurrah!

I suppose, I've just decided.


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