Dogs, Cookies and Cleaning Elves

What a weekend!

So.  Busy times have been had by all this weekend.  My Mum, for one, had her Staff Christmas Party, a one-night stop over at the Bembridge Coast Hotel.  And whilst she was partying the night away with her friends I was hosting a very civilised Christmas get together consisting of a selection of people I’ve met since being here.  

As a previous post showed (here), I’d already decorated my house Christmas styleee so all I had to do was cook food for the evening.  Therefore I spent from 2-6pm, head to toe in flour, crunching remnants of pastry onto my kitchen floor.  The outcome of this were two successful flans/quiches, some cheese and tomato whirls and accidental cheese straws (I did not intend to make the cheese straws but I read my pastry recipe wrong and added double the margarine I needed so made double the breadcrumbs which I then divided between the pastry for the flans and cheese straws).  I also prepared some scones but did not bake them in the end because we had plenty of food.

My friends came dressed in all sorts of guises (turns out I hadn’t been very consistent with my description of the theme “Cheap and Ugly”, oops!), food was eaten, bottles were emptied and we played a game with the €1 gifts that had been contributed.  1.30am arrived along with home-time the space of no more than five minutes, everything was collected up, put in the bin, washed up and tidied.  It turns out that all my new friends have special Elf-like powers that makes the saying “many hands make light work” sound ridiculously slow!

I went to a house in the countryside.  Don’t ask me where exactly, it took a while for my friends to find the exact location, but the views during the car journey were incredible.  The mountains looked fake with an icing sugar dusting of snow.  

It was at this house that I encountered two dogs.  One was three legged (I didn’t catch the reason why) and dashed around excitedly to and fro, here and there and everywhere.  I liked that dog.  Then there was the other dog.  A Jack Russell of some description, equally friendly. got quite attached to one of the guests and spent quite a while humping the blokes leg.  Seriously funny!

That just leaves the cookies.  All weekend I have been eating cookies.  Two of my friends made cookies for my party, and there were a lot left over.  In fact I took eighteen cookies to work today for my class.  Crazy!  And then, after the Sunday lunch we were all sent home with foil wrapped “doggy bags” of goodies.  I opened one up, yep, six more cookies.   Thank goodness I like cookies, yum!


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