Tuesday Tune - 22/11/2011

Today’s Tuesday Tune is Two-fold:
  1. it is the first Italian song I purposefully listened to, and it has become a favourite of mine
  2. the video is reminiscent of how I’ve been living for the last two months (mainly in my dressing gown and dancing that is, not making things work with a funky move!)
Tomorrow my “living alone” time will end.  My brother will be here until Sunday.  And then Monday...there will be someone living with me until the 12th of January 2012.  This is an exciting time of change but also the end of my new found “living-alone love”.  I love living on my own.  I can dance in my dressing gown and live out of an empty fridge with no complaints from anyone else!

The song is La notte dei desideri by Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini


For a translation of the lyrics click here


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