That's it, I've had enough...

...of the mosquitoes.

Really.  I mean, really, really.  I seem to recover from one batch then BAM, another critter comes and has a party on my leg and the itching starts all over again.  Except last night, I really scratched my leg in the night and now, I have 2 friction burns.  Ridiculous. It's like, well I don't know.  Basically I need scratch mits.

To move on quickly, Skype has played quite a large role in my life this evening.  Almost 2 hours in fact.  Hilarity really as the espresso that I had at 9pm kicked in at about 11pm and my family found this hysterical.  It's almost like they don't know me but hey ho.  Toodle pip and all that jazz!

Anyway, not really got any bloggable events from today.  I have re-arranged the kitchen cupboards and the fridge (because I felt like it) so now there exists one shelf in the fridge dedicated to olives, one for fruit and veg, one for dairy, one for meats and a drawer for salad vegetables (now when you all visit me you'll know exactly where to find everything).  I have also created an A4 planning sheet to map out the activities I "intend" to do at work everyday/week however it's pretty lenient because if small children don't want to do something, I'm not going to force them. Oh yeh, there was a bit of a "poo fest" at work today, I never knew it could be so exciting when a 3 year-old manages to actually "do a poo" - if I heard the word cacca much more today without actually seeing any I would've gone mad.  Oh how my life has changed!

Tomorrow I am going shopping (surprise, surprise), in particular to "Happy Casa" - literally a mix of an English word and an Italian word, how crazy random is that! - to look for things for the house as I want a new toilet seat, amongst other things.  I am fed up of the one I have now, I think it would be condemned by a health and safety inspector as it moves around a lot!  Too much information I fear.  Also the Italians seem to like BIG saucepans and I'm not really a fan of using a big saucepan when I just want to boil some peas so going to hunt out a small saucepan.  Wish me luck!


  1. Got a saucepan! Woop! A new red one. I've also been lent a bike for the moment whilst my own personal bike is found. A good day so far.



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